08 Aug 2014 16:20:39
Can see this D. C United partnership working well, will probably mean that Altidore will be loaned to them at some point. Can see us giving him a try and then if not successful by January transfer window, can see him going out to them on loan or another mls team in time for mls season.
1.) 08 Aug 2014
08 Aug 2014 20:34:49
Disagree I think Altidore will come good this season and we havnt mant strikers to start with! . we need a biggish squad!
2.) 08 Aug 2014
Do you know anything about football? If you think Altidore is premier league class you probably also think that Jordan is a virgin!!
{Ed024's Note - Jordan Mutch is that ?}
3.) 08 Aug 2014
Of course altidore will stay just give him time to settle man we hardly have any strikers I think he will have a good season stop slagging him off
4.) 08 Aug 2014
08 Aug 2014 22:29:16
Well obviously Gus must think something of him otherwise he'd be gone by now!. and he knows more about football than both of us . as with everything time will tell!
5.) 08 Aug 2014
Bobstoke1973 I am not saying we should get rid of him but that I think we should give him a chance and if he doesn't come good then loan him prob to them in mls
6.) 09 Aug 2014
09 Aug 2014 01:26:28
jose had a bad season, I agree, scored goals in holland the same as bony, suarez etc not saying he same level but at some point he knew where the back of the net was. he done his hammy at world cup and was main man bar dempsey the past 4 year, let's hope he can prove all us and the opposing fans wrong
7.) 09 Aug 2014
09 Aug 2014 01:57:15
LA96 Agree with you on that as often players will take a season to settle . the same with Vergini . i'd give him till Janurary and if he's not performing by then i'm sure Gus will move him on!
8.) 09 Aug 2014
09 Aug 2014 15:23:14
If Altidore can do it with the U.S.A surely he can do it here!. same with Roberge I think there's a good squad player in there . and as I've said we need a bigger squad . look already we have Jones and Gaitch out without a ball being kicked of the new season!